This marks our third year of having the national program Watch DOGS at Mead.  That means it's time for dads, grandpas, uncles, or other male role models to come together to support our students and schools!!!

Donuts with D.O.G.S.: (please don't bring your pets ðŸ˜„)

Friday SEPTEMBER 20th in the morning from 8:35-9:05.  Mead Cafeteria.  Come with your student, have a donut, and learn about how to volunteer. *Please try parking at ESP and walking down.  DO NOT park in the arrival loop in front of the school.

What is Watch DOGS?
This is a national program to increase the presence of males in schools, especially at the elementary level.  DOGS stands for Dads of Great Students but we open up to any important male in a student's life.  The program serves as a way to increase our safety, our ability to teach/connect students, and our fun!  Our students LOVE to see the special guests show up in rooms, the cafeteria, and the playground.  

We will have a calendar to sign up for the end of September until December, so think of a good date or 2 that you might be able to be a DOG!

What should I do now?
You MUST be a cleared LWSD volunteer. You can apply on the district website here.  Volunteer status is only good for 2 years. That means many of you will need to check your status and possibly reapply using the same link.  You can check your status by emailing  Applications can take 1-2 weeks before it is approved so plan accordingly when signing up for a day.  

Reach out with any questions: Charles Jamieson, Mead AP,

***Moms/grandmas/aunts and other female role-models be ready for your chance to help support a new program we hope to launch later this fall!!!  We can't wait to have your help on campus, too!